Thursday, October 14, 2010

Know Your Players, Part 2

In my last post I listed off Wizards' take on player types, and told you who I thought I was.  As a DM though, we have to be aware of what kind of players are sitting at the table, and make sure that they are getting the kind of game that they need.  After all, the point is too have fun, right?  I thought that I should tell you about the players in my game of Dungeons and Dragons and talk about how I try to make sure that they are getting what they want out of it.

  • Urak - Half-Orc Fighter - This player is definitely a Power Gamer/Rules Lawyer, with a bit of Instigator thrown in.  All I have to do to keep him happy is create combat encounters, preferably difficult ones that the party can overcome, and try to not fiddle too much with the rules.

  • Elder Breeze - Genasi Sorceror/Wizard - This guy actually created a character that represented the wind incarnate, and used the Genasi race as a template.  we spent time at the ver beginning of the campaign teaching him how to eat and sleep.  This player is definitely and Actor/Instigator with touches of Power Gamer.  He really like combat, but also enjoys skill challenges and chances to roleplay.  For him I need a bit of everything, and I have to be flexible enough to go with whatever idea comes flying firmly out of left field.

  • Questar Thews - Human Wizard - This is my Actor/Watcher (you might have read his post yesterday).  He enjoys hanging with the group, and wants to do interesting and funny things with his slightly addled wizard.  He enjoys interactions with NPCs, and feels that often combat mechanics get in the way of his character.  He needs the chance to float in and out of the game.  we've been running the games at his house for awhile now, and that lets him take breaks to cook.  This is great for everyone!

  • String - Changeling Bard - This guy is tougher to pinpoint, but I would call him a Slayer/Instigator.  He likes to get in, kill things, and get out.  He likes to succeed, and if things overpower him or he feels useless, he gets a bit sullen.  Nobody want s that, so I have to balance the guys who want tough encounters, and the people who want to feel like tough heroes mowing through the field of battle.

All in all, it's a fun group, but they know the game really well, and I am always trying to think of new ways to keep them interested and on their toes.

What's your party like?

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